I love you hunny, but…

My wife and I have been married for almost 4 years, but have been together for over 9 years.  I love her dearly, but I have picked up on some habits of hers that annoy me to no end.  (to her defense, I know that there are things that I do that she cannot stand as well, ie Softball).

I love you hunny, but I cannot stand the fact that you leave anything that contains a cap, lid, or a seal not properly fastened to its container.  Laundry detergent cap?  Sitting half screwed on and tilted to one side.

Milk cap?  Set delicately on top, no screwing of.

Pickle jar?  Half screwed on.

Toothpaste container?  Lightly resting half open on the mountain of toothpaste that has leaked out because the cap is not on.

Ketchup bottle?  Lightly tapped down so that it rests on the slew of crusty greatness that is left there after usage.

I could go on and on.

What I don’t get about this remarkable phenomenon is that my wife is a very clean and articulate person.  When she asks me why I don’t help much with cleaning the house, I tell her “I clean things when they are dirty.  I don’t do preventative cleaning.  If it were dirty, I would clean it.  I don’t just clean to clean”.  She literally cleans our house up and down a few times a week.  One would think that someone who takes so much pride in making sure everything is spotless would take the extra two one hundreds of a second to make sure that the toothpaste cap is snapped firmly into place.

I would have thought that she would have learned her lesson last July when, at seven months pregnant, and after arriving at our house after just coming from the Emergency Department at 1:30 AM from just getting some IV Fluids for some dizziness, she opened her Coach purse.  I guess that she should have noticed her purse leaking a yellow liquid through the seams, but apparently not!  After pulling out all of the soaked contents of her purse, including her wallet, credit and debit cards, makeup,  paperwork from the hospital, and more we found the culprit:  a Gatorade bottle with the cap resting half on and half off sitting at an angle.

Caps, lids, and seals are designed to be on all of the way.  The idea of this is to stop the contents of the container from getting out if the container tipped over.  To this, I cannot understand why my wife cannot simply twist a cap or lid to its preferred resting condition.

I love you hunny, but a little help here please!


About feelinkindofsunday

I love sports. I can't stand annoying people and things. I laugh at my childhood. I am strong in my opinions.

Posted on July 10, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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